Wednesday, March 21, 2012

We are in the paper! SOLC 21

Today I came home to a note from one of my friends at work. It was a quick and simple note. "Did you see it? Our kids are in the paper?" What? How did I miss it. My first thought was someone from the paper was covering our St. Patty's parade we had on Friday. I must have missed seeing the reporter from the paper. I quickly opened up the paper and to my delight and surprise, it was not our parade, but an article about our Lolligrams.

We did this on Valentine's Day. We must have missed the article when it was written. The article is dated for February 15th.
Things really do happen for a reason. I say this because we did the Lolligrams for Chris. Chris is a young boy from our school who we have been praying and rallying around while he fights cancer. On Friday Chris completed his last Chemo treatment. He was welcomed home on Friday with a heroes salute. The firetrucks, ambulances and police escorted him back in town as he made his way home from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer center.
It is the little things in life, those small, and ever so important things that keep me going. Just this one little article and I am reminded of why I do some of the things I do. Why some things are important and other things just aren't!
Welcome Home Chris! We continue to pray for your continued health and recovery.

1 comment:

Christy Rush-Levine said...

I am so glad you and your students got this recognition! It is well-deserved.