Thursday, March 15, 2012


I'm wondering how one can be so tired when they hit the sack at 8:30 in the evening? I woke up tired and I remained tired all day...I was thinking it could be daylights savings. Can losing one hour really mess you up that much? So I am asking my fellow slicers. Did you find yourself very exhausted this week? Do you find yourself yawning at 7 o'clock and trying to keep your eyes open? I do hope this is the reason for my exhaustion and not old age. With that being said, I am going to finish up a few things and make way for bed even earlier tonight. This is sad but true. I will be going to bed at 8 o'clock tonight. I sure hope it is daylight savings that has me so worn out tired because gosh almighty I am one very tired Kindergarten teacher and can't even think straight to write anything but how tired I am tonight. Good-night everyone!!


Unknown said...

Sleep well! Yes, I have been exhausted this week, and I do believe that crazy hour has something to do with it. Grrrrr. :)

Beth Fuller said...

Yes, yes and yes. I have been exhausted this week. I have to sign in at school at 7:25 every morning and the day before yesterday I rolled over to my husband shouting, "It's 7:19!!!!!". Great way to start a day!!!

Beth Scanlon said...

I have been tired since coming back from break. But there has been some interesting information on the national news about the lag that the spring forward creates. Hang in there!

Diana Martin said...

I am totally with you. I went to bed at 8:30 last night and will go to bed again as soon as these storms stop rumbling.

Christy Rush-Levine said...

I will be joining you in going to sleep early tonight! I felt rude yawning in sessions all day today at this conference, but I just can't help it!

elsie said...

I hope you've had a good night's sleep when you are reading this. It is a tiring week. Smart schools take a break, but then I'm not working in those schools, so I work and work and . . . you know the rest. (yawn!)

Ramona said...

I've been exhausted all week too, but have chalked it up to end of trimester grading and trying to keep up with slicing! Tomorrow we're hit the magical 16!